I’ve taken to using the name Excelsior as a nickname, aka, handle, and character name in many
online arenas. I’ve also given my Cessna 150 that name. Of all the definitions and references (not
forgetting Sulu’s Excelsior ship from Star Trek), the one most fitting to my choice is "Ever
Upward". A favorite close second is "Super-excellent".
Ex*cel"si*or, a. [L., compar. of excelsus elevated, lofty, p. p. of excellere. See
Excel, v. t. ] More lofty; still higher; ever upward.
Excelsior: Aim at higher things still. It is the motto of New York State, and has been made
popular by Longfellow's
poem so named. Used also as the synonym of super-excellent'.
Excelsior: ever upward (motto of New York State).
New York State Flag.

The U.S.S Excelsior, Cutaway view
The U.S.S Excelsior, In flight
